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Am J Sports Med. 2018 Mar;46(3):557-564. doi: 10.1177/0363546517741484. Epub 2017 Dec 15.
MARS Group, Ding DY, Zhang AL, Allen CR, Anderson AF, Cooper DE, DeBerardino TM, Dunn WR, Haas AK, Huston LJ, Lantz BBA, Mann B, Spindler KP, Stuart MJ, Wright RW, Albright JP, Amendola AN, Andrish JT, Annunziata CC, Arciero RA, Bach BR Jr, Baker CL 3rd, Bartolozzi AR, Baumgarten KM, Bechler JR, Berg JH, Bernas GA, Brockmeier SF, Brophy RH, Bush-Joseph CA, Butler JB 5th, Campbell JD, Carey JL, Carpenter JE, Cole BJ, Cooper JM, Cox CL, Creighton RA, Dahm DL, David TS, Flanigan DC, Frederick RW, Ganley TJ, Garofoli EA, Gatt CJ Jr, Gecha SR, Giffin JR, Hame SL, Hannafin JA, Harner CD, Harris NL Jr, Hechtman KS, Hershman EB, Hoellrich RG, Hosea TM, Johnson DC, Johnson TS, Jones MH, Kaeding CC, Kamath GV, Klootwyk TE, Levy BA, Ma CB, Maiers GP 2nd, Marx RG, Matava MJ, Mathien GM, McAllister DR, McCarty EC, McCormack RG, Miller BS, Nissen CW, O'Neill DF, Owens BD, Parker RD, Purnell ML, Ramappa AJ, Rauh MA, Rettig AC, Sekiya JK, Shea KG, Sherman OH, Slauterbeck JR, Smith MV, Spang JT, Svoboda SJ, Taft TN, Tenuta JJ, Tingstad EM, Vidal AF, Viskontas DG, White RA, Williams JS Jr, Wolcott ML, Wolf BR, York JJ.
Am J Sports Med. 2017 Jul;45(9):2068-2076. doi: 10.1177/0363546517707207. Epub 2017 May 30.
Souza RB, Wu SJ, Morse LJ, Subburaj K, Allen CR, Feeley BT.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015 Jan;23(1):188-97. doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-2997-2. Epub 2014 May 4.
Chen JL, Allen CR, Stephens TE, Haas AK, Huston LJ, Wright RW, Feeley BT; Multicenter ACL Revision Study (MARS) Group.
Am J Sports Med. 2013 Jul;41(7):1571-8. doi: 10.1177/0363546513487980. Epub 2013 May 22.
Descriptive epidemiology of the Multicenter ACL Revision Study (MARS) cohort.
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Accuracy of MRI evaluation of meniscus tears in the setting of ACL injuries.
Dufka FL, Lansdown DA, Zhang AL, Allen CR, Ma CB, Feeley BT.
Knee. 2016 Jun;23(3):460-4. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2016.01.018. Epub 2016 Feb 22.
Zhang AL, Miller SL, Coughlin DG, Lotz JC, Feeley BT.
Knee. 2015 Oct;22(5):400-4. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2015.05.008. Epub 2015 Jun 14.